Bio Plasma Filler

Bio Filler is advanced Plasmotherapy treatment, which uses own body’s blood to make a plasma gel similar to widely used dermal fillers. Bio Filler is used for skin rejuvenation and for static and dynamic line and wrinkle treatment, rejuvenating tear trough, lines on the neck and body aging skin in elbows, knees and other areas.
It uses a gel derived from your own blood supply, helping to reduce potential risk of side-effects. Since the Plasma Gel is using our clients own components, there is no risk of rejection, this means it’s extremely safe, little risk, low downtime and perfectly natural substance. Results from the treatment have been recorded to last 8-10 months. Its natural process along with its increased level of safety, far greater than dermal filler. Traditional Dermal Fillers can be used in conjunction with bio filler for even further enhanced results but will require a two week time frame between each service when treating the same area.